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Hey and welcome to my Leadono Review. It’s Darius here from Reed Ratings where I give honest digital product reviews along with awesome bonuses for products I truly believe in.

Leadono is brought to you by Andrew Darius and his team, also the creator of Videnton, LinkSeam, Vidicious, Speechdio, Explaindio, NFT Collection Maker, Motion NFT Maker, and many other high-quality software products.

So the big question is, is Leadono worth your money? I’ll tell you if it ticks all the boxes, and if it does, I’ll give you some awesome complimentary bonuses you can only get from me today.

Leadono What Leadono Really Is?

Leadono Review

This is a very needed and unique product, which is solving a real problem, plus has a built-in and incentivized referral traffic system. There were many autoresponders apps released recently on our market, but most of the people’s accounts are empty.

Leadono will help people fill those accounts with emails so they can finally use them to promote. Leadono is a cloud-based software with smart LDO technology that allows you to effortlessly capture verified emails with just a touch or click and grow your list virally on autopilot.

You will be able to auto-build a subscribers list even without a website, and easily capture people’s emails from both social platform users and Amazon buyers with a touch or click. All the emails you collect will be already verified and automatically synced to your autoresponder account.

On top of that, you will also get direct access to the most powerful free traffic source on the internet: an incentivized referral traffic system.

Leadono is also solving the biggest problem everyone doing business on the internet has, which is enabling people to collect subscribers from mobile traffic, significantly boosting your list growth from desktop visitors, and protecting you from fake, mistyped, and throw-away email addresses.

Leadono is designed to enable every visitor to push their verified email to the list with a touch or click, and without typing anything.

Leadono is a cloud-based software, which harnesses the power of the fact that most visitors are already logged in to one or more social platforms, Apple, or Amazon accounts.

People will be able to collect emails with a touch or click from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft, Apple, and the biggest e-commerce company on the planet, Amazon.

leadono landing page example

To collect leads you can either use great-looking Leadono landing pages, special links for subscribing right inside Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, or get a code to embed Leadono lead capture buttons directly on your website or blog.

After people touch or click on the continue button, their verified email is pushed from the platform they use to your Leadono account and then synced to your autoresponder.

Leadono natively supports a large number of autoresponders with direct integrations, as well as Zapier to integrate with almost any autoresponder you want.

It even gives you the ability to use HTML form integration to connect to obscure or custom autoresponders. On top of that, you can also download a file with all your subscribers at any time, and upload it to an autoresponder of your choice.

Leadono’s one-touch or-click opt-in can send your results soaring sky-high.

How Does Leadono Work? Demo Video

Leadono Pricing & Upsells

Front End Offer is the main software Leadono starts at $27. Also, the frontend access doesn’t depend on any of the upgrades to work, it works fine just on its own BUT it is also limited.

Now, there are currently 4 upsells. You don’t need all of them to use Leadono, but they might come in useful depending on your situation and usage. There is also a bundle deal.

Upsell 1: Leadono Pro $57

With a PRO upgrade, you will be able to remove Leadono branding and link from the footer, get the ability to add 10 custom domains and connect up to 80 social apps.

leadono pro upgrade

Upsell 2: Leadono Luxury $37

The luxury upgrade gives you the ability to email a reminder to people as many times as you want until they open an email or unsubscribe; to sync leads to multiple autoresponders from the same campaign; to send special offers; to use QR codes; to add retargeting pixels; and to get weekly stats by email.

Upsell 3: Leadono Platinum

You get everything virtually unlimited with a Platinum upgrade. $37/month, $97 yearly, or $297 one time.

You get unlimited leads, unlimited incentivized referral traffic system, unlimited custom domains, unlimited social accounts, unlimited app connection, unlimited remainder domains, unlimited reminder pop-ups, unlimited reminder leads, and virtually unlimited team members.

Upsell 4: Leadono White Label

$197 for 100 client accounts and $297 for 500 client accounts.

Leadono Review: Bundle Deal

This bundle will save you some money if you would like to get full access to all upsells of Leadono. With this one you can get the whole funnel, all upsells at a one-time payment. Bundle Deal – Includes all Upsells, $297 one-time payment!

Bundle Deal Discount Code: Use LEADONO80OFF for 80 Off ($217).

Leadono Bonuses

If you decide to buy Leadono through my link, click on any of the buttons on this page and you will get all the bonuses listed for free.

All the bonuses listed down below for my Leadono Review are available only if you buy it through any of my links/buttons on this page and are available even if you purchase only the front-end offer.

Your download link with my bonuses will be delivered to your JVZoo account. If you can’t find them or you run into an issue please send me an email at: darius@reedratings.com and I will be happy to sort things out for you.

So check out my Leadono Review Bonuses. These bonuses will save you time, and money and help you make the most out of Leadono.

MEGA Bonus 1: Free Account With ReedChat (NEW)

reedchat bonus

ReedChat is an AI-powered software that allows you to generate any kind of content and images for most of your marketing needs using powerful AI. Use this content for your own needs or sell it!

  • 35+ templates included (content templates)
  • Access to 30.000 words/month for free
  • Access to 1000 text to image AI images

Use ReedChat to generate content for your blogs, emails, YouTube videos, product descriptions, all your social media platforms, and a lot more.

Custom Bonus 2: Free Account With ReedBio

reedbio bonus

ReedBio is my cloud-based software that will allow you to build vCards and Bio Pages in minutes. All your links are on one page! And you will get unlimited free access to ReedBio when you buy Leadono through my link.

  • You get 4 built-in themes that you can use right away
  • Custom logo, background, fonts, SEO settings, password protection and so much more
  • Dark Mode: All your pages support dark mode as well
  • Tracking pixels: Facebook, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and Quora tracking pixels are available.

Custom Bonus 3: Free WP Video Reviews PRO

wp video reviews bonus

The beauty of this plugin is that for every page you have on your website, you can have a different video widget for every page. For example: for the home page you can have a video, for an article you can have another video, for a blog post you can have another video.

This is powerful stuff and you’ll get this for free when you buy Leadono through my link.

  • 100% Responsive
  • Selection of multiple pages and videos
  • Play the video from the beginning when it is clicked/tapped
  • Add a Call To Action Button with types of options
  • Scroll to a block on a site page
  • Add URL to open other pages
  • Calling a popup window, launching a quiz, etc.
  • Button color settings
  • Ability to disable widgets on mobile or desktop
  • Select Widget location
  • Widget color settings

Custom Bonus 4: Free Account With ReedProofs

reedproofs bonus

ReedProofs is my cloud-based software that will allow you to create Fomo, Scarcity, and Social Proof pop-ups to engage and keep your website visitors. You will get unlimited free access to ReedProofs when you buy Leadono through my link.

  • 14 included notifications
  • Unlimited campaigns
  • Create unlimited notifications
  • Highly customizable notifications
  • Notifications & campaign statistics

MEGA BONUS 5: Free Account With Gradient QR Code

gradient qr code bonus

Gradient QR Code is the most performant, lightweight, and easy-to-use digital QR Code maker software. It contains a large array of QR code templates to choose from and get started. Get unlimited free access to the Gradient QR Code when you buy Leadono through my link.

Plus all the vendor bonuses.

Leadono Overview

Vendor:Andrew Darius
Launch Date:10.01.2024, 11 AM EST
Front End Price:Starts at $27
Recommendation:Highly Recommended
Sales Page:Click Here
Refund:30 Days Money Back

Email list is the single most important business asset you need to succeed online. Unless you are an SEO guru or a celebrity, it is almost impossible to make dependable sales or affiliate commissions without an email list.

The big problem with building the list nowadays is that it is extremely hard if you do it in the old way. Those days when you could just slap an opt-in form on the page and have most people excited to fill it up and submit are long gone.

It gets even worse because more than half of all website traffic comes from people browsing on their phones. People hate the effort of filling forms on the phone because they have to painstakingly type everything on a small keyboard which is prone to create touch errors and resulting misspells.

This is why pretty much all the Main Street companies allow people to sign in and log in to their website with just a touch of a button instead of typing anything.

There is mind-blowing research showing how much results improve when the traditional signup and login are switched to touch access for mobile users.

Some companies even went so far as they text you a login link, so all you need to do is just touch on the link in a text message to be logged in to their website.

Leadono Features & Benefits

Now this app is just full of features and benefits but I will mention just a few for you. Mostly the ones that make Leadono worth buying.

Enables People To Just Touch Or Click A Button

It enables people to just touch or click a button for the platform they want to use to access whatever you have for them.

Leadono’s smart LDO technology automatically rearranges the buttons to show platforms that your visitors are already logged into on top, so they can easily choose which one they want to use.

All your visitors need to do to get on your list, is to choose a platform, and then touch or click on the Continue button.

Automatically Sync Leads With The Major Autoresponders

Leadono natively supports a large number of autoresponders with direct integrations, as well as Zapier to integrate with almost any autoresponder you want. It even gives you the ability to use HTML form integration to connect to obscure or custom autoresponders.

On top of that, you can also download a file with all your subscribers at any time, and upload it to an autoresponder of your choice. Leadono’s one-touch or-click opt-in can send your results soaring sky-high.

leadono email integrations

Collect Apple & Amazon Buyers’ Emails

Although collecting email subscribers from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Gmail, Microsoft, and Yahoo is very lucrative all by itself, Leadono also gives you the ability to collect emails from both cream-of-the-top Amazon buyers and Apple users with a touch or click.

Did you know that the Amazon affiliate program pays you a commission from all the products people purchase within 24 hours after clicking on your affiliate link?

It means that no matter which product you promote, you will be paid a commission from all other products they buy during the entire day. If you want, with Leadono you can create a separate Amazon-only campaign, and connect its autoresponder, which you set aside for just Amazon buyers.

Imagine sending emails repeatedly to those Amazon buyers, and having a real chance of collecting fat commissions from Amazon every time you send an email. Now, let me tell you how you can profit from Apple users in the easiest way possible.

You see, there are pay-per-install networks that are paying commissions for apps installed from your referral link. Similar to Amazon, Leadono allows you to create a campaign for just Apple users, and connect it to an autoresponder you dedicated for them.

After you have a list with just Apple users, your path to earn commissions from app installs becomes widely open.

Smart Reminder Pop-Ups Boost Your Results Even Higher

While making it touch or click easy to get on your list is already a game changer, you can boost opt-in rates even further with a reminder system. Ledono allows you to embed smart reminder pop-ups on your website.

The smart popup can either show on exit intent when a visitor is about to leave after they scroll down to some percent of your page, or just after they are viewing the page for some specific time.

Visitors can pick up the date and time they want to be reminded, and Leadono will send them an email reminder with the link so they can continue where they left off.

Effortless Customization Technology

And top of that, you can make those pages even more alluring and unique with effortless customization technology. You can customize the content of the page, how the text looks, the background color, and add a background image.

The content you add to the pages can be written in any language, so you can even create separate campaigns to use for different countries in their languages.

Seamless Lead Magnet Delivery

If you want, you can even upload a file with a lead magnet like an eBook or info pdf directly to your account, and Ledono will deliver that download from the new browser tab, so subscribers can still be redirected to the link of your choice.

So far I have shown you how you can use Leadono’s LDO technology to skyrocket your list-building results and ultimately make you more sales and commissions, by enabling you to collect email addresses from incentivized people with the touch or click of a button.

While it already could be a super lucrative game changer for you, Leadono does not stop there.

Incentivised Referral Traffic System

Leadono’s proprietary LDO technology includes both an incentivized referral traffic system and maximum social engagement technology. With the incentivized referral traffic system you can turn your subscribers into your brand ambassadors, and motivate them to share your lead capture page with everybody they know.

It also turns welcome and confirmation pages into viral referrals driving monsters, which can build your list on complete autopilot. You can customize those viral welcome pages with the same effortless customization technology as for lead capture pages so you can make them as unique as you want.

To make your viral referral marketing grow your subscribers list even faster, you can even set rewards for both invitees and referrers with automatic reward delivery for both. All you need to do is set up several people who need to be invited to unlock a reward, and you are done.

Those so-called milestone reward campaigns, which require inviting several people to get a reward, work extremely well for opt-ins for any kind of business be it sales, services, and even pre-launch campaigns for new products.

Leadono’s LDO technology makes it super easy and fast for referrers to email or share links on major social media platforms. It takes just a touch or click to share links on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Medium, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and even WhatsApp.

Use With Paid Ads

You could use ads just to kickstart the viral referral process, or run them continuously to scale your business with possibly the best ROI you have ever seen from your ads campaigns.

If you run any kind of social ads on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, product ads on Amazon, and any ads on YouTube or Gmail, people who click on your ads obviously will already be logged into the platform on which you advertise.

You can send people either to Leadono’s lead capture page or in the case of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn platforms, you can use a special link that allows them to subscribe even without leaving those platforms.

If you ever run paid ads, you already know that Leadono has great potential to significantly boost your profits. If you tried to run ads before but did not get the results you were looking for, maybe Leadono could be that turning point for you.

If you ever wanted to start using paid ads, why not hit the ground running, and start from the system, which could make it much easier and faster for you to get the results you want?

Leadono Review: Conclusion

Leadono conclusion

Leadono is designed to bring you subscribers which you can turn into buyers. It does not matter if it means buyers for your own or affiliate products, or buyers for your services. Email is still the number one way to promote, and it will continue to be in the future.

It is also the only independent communication medium because it does not depend on any social network or any specific tech company. Other ways to message people come and go on the whim of social and messaging platforms, which change the rules whenever they see more profitability for them, often leaving you in the dust.

Email list is the single most important business asset you need to succeed online and if you are into this kind of business you must check this software out. Replace outdated opt-in forms with smart buttons.

Leadono FAQ’s

Do I have to install Leadono on my computer?

No, Leadono is cloud software so you do not need to install anything on your computer.

Is ordering completely risk-free?

Of course. At any point in the next 30 days, if you decide Leadono is not right for you, simply send us your receipt and we’ll promptly send you a refund. You will, however, lose access to your Leadono account.

How much do updates cost?

All Leadono 1. x updates are FREE for the duration of the license plus, if you order today, you will also get a FREE upgrade to version 2 with early beta access to it.

Do you include step-by-step instructions?

Yes, they provide a detailed step-by-step tutorial.

Is there a monthly fee to use Leadono?

Currently, Leadono membership is being offered with a one-off payment. They plan to switch to a recurring membership model in the future when new customers will pay a monthly fee for software use. BUT anyone who orders now is grandfathered so you will never be billed again.

How do I get support?

Easy! Just visit them at GetLeadono.com/support.html